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Transforming retail by applying shared ledger technology such as blockchain 
Courtesy of: 

Unpublished Whitepaper

Unpublished GS1 Pivot

Blockchain Use Cases are Evolving Quickly in Modern Retail

initial focus is on food safety, logistics and direct to consumer









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What is the internet

Similar to the internet in the mid 90's, to fully understand the capabilities of blockchain requires time. Imagine what people thought of the internet 20 years ago and the strange looks they received when trying to explain it.

Bitcoin vs. Blockchain

Although related, don't confuse bitcoin for  blockchain. Bitcoin is one use of the blockchain technology. 

Disrupting the Middleman

In a extremely competitive retail landscape, traditional bricks and mortar organisations need to  drive efficiency, streamline legacy systems and disrupt the middleman enabling retailers to invest in price, promotions and rewards which benefits the end consumer.   

What is Blockchain

It is a system of record or ledger, shared privately among counterparties, eliminating the need to reconcile disparate ledgers.  It is secure in that consensus is required from all participants and all validated transactions are permanently recorded

Banks are embracing Blockchain 

Blockchain explained how it works and what makes is special. Streamlining the way business is conducted bringing bureaucracy into the 21st century 

What are Smart Contracts

Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code.  The code and the agreements exist across a distributed, decentralized blockchain network.  They render transactions traceable, transparent, and irreversible

What is Hyperledger

An open-source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is a global collaboration, hosted by The Linux Foundation, including leaders in finance, banking, Internet of Things, supply chain, manufacturing and technology.

Walmart - Another Case Study

Walmart is heavily engaged in blockchain to improve food safety working with IBM 

A good 45 minute overview why  now


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